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To educate a child is to turn walls into doors.


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I am largely indebted to John Dewey for establishing and intellectualizing certain values which compliment my core beliefs.  His philosophy as it has emerged in countless books and articles reflects the dominant American tradition of experimentation, frontier thinking, and evolutionary change. Countless texts have suggested that the educational programs that reflect his philosophy should strive to:

  • develop a sense of urgency and responsibility in creating a humane world community attained without dishonor and marked by cooperation rather than violence;

  • create individual excellence, recognizing individual differences and the child as the whole;

  • invigorate the concept of liberty; its traditions, importance, dangers, political meanings, and practical implementation; and

  • defend and extend the principles of equality.

These beliefs and constructs serve as the foundation for my education leadership. 

Education must be a democratic process where children have experiences which will develop the attitudes, skills, and understandings essential for effective participation in the political and social democracy. 

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